With the mounting discussions concerning Act 48, the legislation aimed at creating a statewide healthcare policy, and the on-going questions as to how such a system might work and cost Vermonters, FOLA (Friends of Ludlow Auditorium) decided it was time for the two major sides to address the pros and cons of the issue before an area audience.
As a result, FOLA has created a panel of six statewide leaders in the healthcare field debate to discuss the meaning and impact of Act 48 on Thursday, October 20 at 7 PM at the Ludlow Town Hall Auditorium. To ensure that the panel discussion addresses all the key questions concerning this issue, FOLA asked Stewart Ledbetter, Senior Political Reporter for WPTZ/WNNE, to moderate the panel discussion.
The panel will consist of, top row, left to right, Steve Kappel, Dr. Deb Richter, Wendy Wilton; bottom row, left to right, State Senate President John Campbell, Bob Gaydos, and Darcie Johnston.
The forum will begin with an introduction of the panel and moderator, followed by a brief PowerPoint presentation outlining the major elements of the Act 48 legislation. Following this, the moderator will ask the panel members to respond to his questions. The audience will then have the opportunity to ask the panel questions about both Act 48 and its impact. For additional information, call 802-228-7239.